After giving birth, some mothers may experience back pain. This condition can certainly disrupt the comfort of activities and pleasant moments with the baby. Come on, immediately find out how to overcome them.
Back pain after childbirth can be caused by increased body burden on the spine and back muscles. This can occur due to stretching of the abdominal muscles, weight gain, and hormonal changes during pregnancy.
In addition, back pain after childbirth can also be caused by body position and contractions during labor, not accustomed to holding your child, or improper posture when breastfeeding. So, how to overcome it huh?
To detect a person's tendency to become a psychopath requires a series of psychological examinations, one of which is a psychopath test by a psychiatrist. What factors determine a person to be a psychopath? Check out the following explanation. Psychopaths are people who have antisocial personality disorder that is characterized by certain behaviors. Antisocial personality disorder can begin in childhood, then continue in adolescence to adulthood. To determine whether a person can be called a psychopath or not, can only be done through psychiatric medical examinations and psychological test, by a psychologist or psychiatrist. One of the psychological test to detect this psychopath is called Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R). This instrument can determine personality traits, behaviors, as well as other psychological parameters, such as the tendency to violate the laws and norms of society. There are several factors used as benchmarks in the assessment of psychopath tests: L...
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