To detect a person's tendency to become a psychopath requires a series of psychological examinations, one of which is a psychopath test by a psychiatrist. What factors determine a person to be a psychopath? Check out the following explanation.
Psychopaths are people who have antisocial personality disorder that is characterized by certain behaviors. Antisocial personality disorder can begin in childhood, then continue in adolescence to adulthood.
To determine whether a person can be called a psychopath or not, can only be done through psychiatric medical examinations and psychological test, by a psychologist or psychiatrist. One of the psychological test to detect this psychopath is called Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R). This instrument can determine personality traits, behaviors, as well as other psychological parameters, such as the tendency to violate the laws and norms of society.
There are several factors used as benchmarks in the assessment of psychopath tests:
Levels of empathy
Psychopaths are known to be cold-hearted or don't care about other people's feelings. Allegedly, this is caused by abnormal electrical activity in the part of the brain that controls emotions. However, in daily life, a psychopath can pretend to show empathy for the purpose and purpose of this psychopath test can be used to assess whether someone has a good empathy ability or not.
Emotional reaction
Psychopaths or people with other antisocial personality disorders, have low levels of social emotions, for example shyness or guilt. In fact, psychopaths are also known to have no or minimal fear. A study shows, if a psychopath is placed in a scary situation, he does not experience the fear that is commonly experienced by most people.
In addition, according to research, psychopathic brains tend to be different from normal brains. This difference can interfere with the basic functions of the body, so that psychopaths do not have the ability to feel what other people feel, for example the distress or sadness of others. The reaction of a psychopath tends to be the opposite of a general reaction. They tend to be more calm and cold in the face of anything, including death.
In psychopaths, it seems that behavior that always blames others and does not feel responsible, even though it has proven to be his fault. If forced, there is a possibility he will admit mistakes, but without guilt or shame.
With a psychopath test, a person's tendency to lie or speak honestly can be determined. Psychopaths are known to be used to using other people for their own benefit.
Psychopaths can lie with innocent faces. Lying seems not a burden for psychopaths. The act of lying is also done with the aim of manipulating others to do the things they want.
Psychopaths usually have very high self-confidence. He believes that he is smarter or better than he really is.
Attention span
Generally psychopaths have a short attention span or a low level of attention towards others and things around them, due to their impulsive attitude.
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